Children's Books About Wangari Maathai
Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace

A picture book biography of scientist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman--and first environmentalist--to win a Nobel Peace Prize (in 2004) for her work planting trees in her native Kenya.
As a young girl in Kenya, Wangari was taught to respect nature. She grew up loving the land, plants, and animals that surrounded her-from the giant mugumo trees her people, the Kikuyu, revered to the tiny tadpoles that swam in the river.
Although most Kenyan girls were not educated, Wangari, curious and hardworking, was allowed to go to school. There, her mind sprouted like a seed. She excelled at science and went on to study in the United States. After returning home, Wangari blazed a trail across Kenya, using her knowledge and compassion to promote the rights of her countrywomen and to help save the land, one tree at a time.
Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace brings to life the empowering story of Wangari Maathai, the first African woman, and environmentalist, to win a Nobel Peace Prize. Engaging narrative and vibrant images paint a robust portrait of this inspiring champion of the land and of women's rights.
As a young girl in Kenya, Wangari was taught to respect nature. She grew up loving the land, plants, and animals that surrounded her-from the giant mugumo trees her people, the Kikuyu, revered to the tiny tadpoles that swam in the river.
Although most Kenyan girls were not educated, Wangari, curious and hardworking, was allowed to go to school. There, her mind sprouted like a seed. She excelled at science and went on to study in the United States. After returning home, Wangari blazed a trail across Kenya, using her knowledge and compassion to promote the rights of her countrywomen and to help save the land, one tree at a time.
Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace brings to life the empowering story of Wangari Maathai, the first African woman, and environmentalist, to win a Nobel Peace Prize. Engaging narrative and vibrant images paint a robust portrait of this inspiring champion of the land and of women's rights.
Semillas de Cambio: Sembrando Un Camino Hacia La Paz
(Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace) (Spanish Edition)

Una biografía ilustrada de la científica Wangari Maathai, la primera mujer africana (y la primera ambientalista) en ganar el Premio Nobel de la Paz por su trabajo sembrando árboles en su Kenia natal.
Cuando era niña en Kenia, a Wangari le enseñaron a respetar la naturaleza. Creció amando la tierra, las plantas y los animales que la rodeaban, desde los gigantescos árboles mugumo que su pueblo, Kikuyu, veneraban hasta los diminutos renacuajos que nadaban en el río.
Aunque la mayoría de las niñas kenianas no recibieron educación, a Wangari, curiosa y trabajadora, se le permitió ir a la escuela. Allí su mente brotó como una semilla. Destacó en las ciencias y continuó sus estudios en los Estados Unidos. Después de regresar a casa, Wangari abrió un camino a través de Kenia, utilizando su conocimiento y compasión para promover los derechos de sus compatriotas y ayudar a salvar la tierra, un árbol a la vez.
Semillas de cambio: Sembrando un camino hacia la paz le da vida a la historia poderosa de Wangari Maathai, la primera mujer africana y ambientalista en ganar un Premio Nobel de la Paz. Una narrativa cautivadora e imágenes vibrantes pintan un retrato sólido de esta inspiradora defensora de la tierra y de los derechos de las mujeres.
Cuando era niña en Kenia, a Wangari le enseñaron a respetar la naturaleza. Creció amando la tierra, las plantas y los animales que la rodeaban, desde los gigantescos árboles mugumo que su pueblo, Kikuyu, veneraban hasta los diminutos renacuajos que nadaban en el río.
Aunque la mayoría de las niñas kenianas no recibieron educación, a Wangari, curiosa y trabajadora, se le permitió ir a la escuela. Allí su mente brotó como una semilla. Destacó en las ciencias y continuó sus estudios en los Estados Unidos. Después de regresar a casa, Wangari abrió un camino a través de Kenia, utilizando su conocimiento y compasión para promover los derechos de sus compatriotas y ayudar a salvar la tierra, un árbol a la vez.
Semillas de cambio: Sembrando un camino hacia la paz le da vida a la historia poderosa de Wangari Maathai, la primera mujer africana y ambientalista en ganar un Premio Nobel de la Paz. Una narrativa cautivadora e imágenes vibrantes pintan un retrato sólido de esta inspiradora defensora de la tierra y de los derechos de las mujeres.
The Story of Environmentalist Wangari Maathai

As a young girl in Kenya, Wangari was taught to respect nature. She grew up loving the land, plants, and animals that surrounded her — from the giant mugumo trees her people, the Kikuyu, revered to the tiny tadpoles that swam in the river.
Although most Kenyan girls were not educated, Wangari, curious and hardworking, was allowed to go to school. There, her mind sprouted like a seed. She excelled at science and went on to study in the United States. After returning home, Wangari blazed a trail across Kenya, using her knowledge and compassion to promote the rights of her countrywomen and to help save the land, one tree at a time.
The Story of Environmentalist Wangari Maathai brings to life the empowering story of Wangari Maathai, the first African woman, and environmentalist, to win a Nobel Peace Prize. This chapter-book edition includes black-and-white illustrations as well as sidebars on related subjects, a timeline, a glossary, and recommended reading.
Although most Kenyan girls were not educated, Wangari, curious and hardworking, was allowed to go to school. There, her mind sprouted like a seed. She excelled at science and went on to study in the United States. After returning home, Wangari blazed a trail across Kenya, using her knowledge and compassion to promote the rights of her countrywomen and to help save the land, one tree at a time.
The Story of Environmentalist Wangari Maathai brings to life the empowering story of Wangari Maathai, the first African woman, and environmentalist, to win a Nobel Peace Prize. This chapter-book edition includes black-and-white illustrations as well as sidebars on related subjects, a timeline, a glossary, and recommended reading.
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Praise for Seeds of Change:
Praise for Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace
"Richer than other treatments of Maathai for children and more grounded in her work's implicit feminism... Maathai always wears a colorful headscarf or fabric bow, and the community spirit she resuscitates is joyfully celebrated on every spread. Vibrant and accomplished." -- Kirkus Reviews, starred review "A more thorough investigation of Maathai's life... Throughout the book runs the image of the Kikuyu people's sacred mugumo tree as the source of Maathai's tree-planting project, an idea 'as small as a seed but as tall as a tree that reaches for the sky.'" -- Publishers Weekly "This entry on Wangari Maathai takes a slightly more comprehensive look at her life than several other recent books... Vivid colors sparkle from within the thick white outlines in the batik-style illustrations that fill the pages." -- School Library Journal "Poetic... includes direct quotes, sourced in appended notes, which will help young people feel a more immediate connection to the inspiring activist and her powerful message. Sadler's bright mixed-media art, reminiscent of Ashley Bryan's work with its white outlines and rainbow-hued shapes, reinforces the sense of a depleted land growing green again and the presence, even in bustling city scenes, of a vibrant natural world." — Booklist Awards